Summer of 1945. A temporary orphanage is established in an abandoned palace surrounded by forests for the eight children liberated from the Gross-Rosen camp. Hanka, also a former inmate, becomes their guardian. After the atrocities of the camp, the protagonists slowly begin to regain what is left of their childhood but the horror returns quickly. Camp Alsatians roam the forests around. Released by the SS earlier on, they have gone feral and are starving. Looking for food they besiege the palace. The children are terrified and their camp survival instinct is triggered.
Director(s): Adrian Panek
Writer(s): Adrian Panek
Producer(s): Agata Szymańska, Magdalena Kamińska
Stephen Campbell
**_A World War II political allegory/fairy tale/coming of age drama wrapped up in a horror aesthetic that works exceptionally well_** >_Everything that was not connected with the immediate task of ...
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