Shigematsu Shizuma, who lives with his family in a village near Fukuyama, was in Hiroshima with his wife and niece just after the devastating atomic bombing, a tragedy that cruelly took the lives of thousands of people and forever marked the harsh existence of the survivors.
Director(s): Shōhei Imamura
Writer(s): Shōhei Imamura, Toshirō Ishidō
Producer(s): Shigeyuki Endō, Hiroaki Masubayashi, Toshiya Nomura, Hisashi Iino
No Available
Whether you're male, female, or trans, this movie grabs you by the balls and won't let go for 123 minutes. It's an incredible anti-nuke, anti-war statement, and Palme D'Or winner for all the right rea...