Leave It to Beaver is an American television situation comedy about an inquisitive and often naïve boy named Theodore "The Beaver" Cleaver and his adventures at home, in school, and around his suburban neighborhood. The show also starred Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont as Beaver's parents, June and Ward Cleaver, and Tony Dow as Beaver's brother Wally. The show has attained an iconic status in the US, with the Cleavers exemplifying the idealized suburban family of the mid-20th century.
Creator: Bob Mosher
Executive Producer: Harry Ackerman
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 6
Total Episodes: 234
Status: Ended
No Available
My dad and I used to watch Nick at Nite back when you had to stretch that remote control on the cord across the room to access basic cable. When Leave it to Beaver came on, it was time to change th...