Relic of an Emissary is a 2011 Hong Kong historical fiction television drama serial produced by TVB. The 30-episode drama premiered 4 April 2011 on Hong Kong's TVB Jade and TVB HD Jade channels, airing five days a week. Wong Wai-sing, who produced TVB's The Academy trilogy series, serves as the drama's executive producer. The drama is loosely based on the Jingnan campaign of the Ming Dynasty, a coup d'état that ended the Jianwen Emperor's brief four-year reign over Ming China. The Chinese title of the drama literally means "Hongwu 32", the 32nd year of the Hongwu Emperor's reign.
No Provider Available
Creator: Not Available
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 30
Status: Ended
No Available
No Keywords
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