Labs Ko Si Babe is a Filipino drama-comedy aired by ABS-CBN in 1999 starring Marvin Agustin and Jolina Magdangal. It was a Comedy-Television sitcom that aired weeknights on its prime time slot after Saan Ka Man Naroroon. The show was memorable because of Jolina Magdangal and Marvin Agustin' triumphant love team and as the lead stars of the series. The series ended in November 2000 and was replaced by the prime time television series Pangako sa ’Yo. The show also made Jolina Magdangal the box office queen of the decade.
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Creator: Enrico C. Santos
Executive Producer: Annaliza A. Goma
Writer: Aloy Adlawan
Number of Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 338
Status: Ended
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