This drama revolves around Ahmad Adif Rayqal, who marries Rian Aulia as part of a revenge plan against Rian’s father, Idris. Rian, on the other hand, easily falls in love with Adif because she sees him as a charismatic and mysterious young man who now works with Idris. Meanwhile, Afeeq, a close relative of Rian’s family, experiences jealousy due to Adif’s presence in Rian’s life. Adif harbors resentment towards Idris due to past events involving his sister, Adelia. Despite seeking revenge, Adif still finds himself in love with Rian, leading to a dilemma between his feelings and the need to continue seeking justice for Adelia. Eventually, when all secrets are revealed, Rian, who now harbors resentment towards Adif, also faces a dilemma as she is now pregnant.
No Provider Available
Creator: Not Available
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 26
Status: Returning Series
No Available
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