The Unexpectables II: Alton Frontiers is the sequel to the popular D&D actual-play podcast The Unexpectables. Set in the mysterious frontier town of Alton, a new group of adventurers embarks on an epic journey through untamed lands filled with danger, discovery, and intrigue. As the players navigate through Alton's political unrest, supernatural occurrences, and wild landscapes, they uncover deep secrets that threaten the very fabric of the frontier. With a mix of humor, heart, and high-stakes action, The Unexpectables II promises engaging storytelling, memorable characters, and thrilling combat in a homebrew setting that keeps listeners on the edge of their seats.
No Provider Available
Creator: Monty Glu
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 6
Total Episodes: 2
Status: Returning Series
No Available
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