Su Yu, a high school student who lives a simple life with his father, faces a major change when his mother remarries a wealthy man, introducing him to his step-brother Wu Bi. Despite their initial differences-Wu Bi being a cold and arrogant top student, while Su Yu is an unreasonable underachiever-their relationship takes an unexpected turn after an accident. As they gradually warm up to each other, their bond grows stronger. However, when a heated fight arises, their true identities are revealed...
No Provider Available
Creator: Chai Ji Dan
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 24
Status: Ended
No Available
Dominic Kebre
Like all BL fans, who loved ”Addicted”, the last Chinese BL series before the government banned the genre, I was skeptical when a new adaptation of the first book of the novel ”Are you addicted?” was ...