Bai Zong Yi, an exemplary student with dreams of becoming a doctor, is unexpectedly drawn into the world of an injured gangster named Fan Ze Rui. This unexpected encounter disrupts their tranquil routines and sends their lives into a whirlwind. Their initial awkwardness gradually gives way to familiarity and eventually blossoms into a heartfelt connection. Just as their love story begins to unfold, Fan Ze Rui's criminal past catches up with him.
Creator: Lin Pei Yu
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 13
Status: Ended
Dominic Kebre
As ”Kiseki: Dear to me” was written by Pei Yu-Lin, who also wrote the scripts of series like ”History2: Crossing the Line”, ”History 3: Trapped”, both ”We Best Love” series, and many more, it was clea...