Marc Wootton Exposed is a television sketch comedy show, written by Marc Wootton and Liam Woodman, and starring character comedian Marc Wootton, who plays numerous in-depth characters, with obscured humour situations, in the form of monologues. The characters are introduced through the point of view of a photographer taking their pictures in a studio, and the show looks beyond the fake poses and into the life of the person beneath. The series was filmed over late August 2007 and ran from 13 January 2008 to 25 February 2008 on BBC Three. The Song We are your friends By Justice V Simian features in the programme's opening and closing credits.
No Provider Available
Creator: Marc Wootton
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 6
Status: Ended
No Available
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