"Cityline," produced by City Television and City Toronto, is an informative TV program offering expert advice under daily changing themes like "Around the House," "Family Day," "Home Day," and "Fashion Friday." Initially hosted by Dini Petty and later by Marilyn Denis until May 23, 2008, the show featured a range of guest hosts post-Denis's departure. Tracy Moore was announced as the new permanent host on October 17, 2008. Formerly broadcast live, "Cityline" is now pre-recorded a week in advance for airing on all City Television stations across Canada. Initially aired on various networks, it is currently managed by Rogers Communications Inc. under their Rogers Media Television brand.
No Provider Available
Creator: Not Available
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 10
Total Episodes: 7
Status: In Production
No Keywords
No Reviews Available
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