Told through the screens of four young women. The series follows Jo, a hopeful romantic, and Debika, a perpetual realist. After months of talking over video chat, Jo and Debika, decide to plan their first official date at a secluded AirBnB in Hawaii. With their 'date' just days away, the threat of COVID-19 explodes, shattering all hopes of romance. Jo, a San Francisco resident, is ordered to shelter in place while Debika is ‘landlocked’, as Australia prepares to shut its international borders. With their first date on indefinite hold, the two women must now navigate virtual dating, interfering sisters and falling in love in this 'new normal' of alone, TOGETHER...
No Provider Available
Creator: Marina Rice Bader
Executive Producer: Alyse Paradiso Lamb
Writer: Shantell Yasmine Abeydeera
Number of Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 10
Status: Returning Series
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