Going Home was a drama television series produced by the SBS network in Australia that aired from 2000 to 2001. Scripted, filmed, edited and broadcast on the same day, Going Home was set in a nightly inter-urban commuter train. A group of regular train travelers are featured on their daily commute in a blend of up-to-the-minute commentary on the news and events of the day, together with the unfolding dramas in their lives. Viewer feedback was encouraged, including plot and character suggestions that were regularly incorporated into subsequent episodes. Towards the very end of the 2001 season, we see Australian character actor Stuart Rawe, before Swift and Shift Couriers, in one of his very early roles as a "Silent Football Fan". The concept has been used later in other countries: in Canada, in France and in Italy.
No Provider Available
Creator: Not Available
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 2
Total Episodes: 130
Status: Ended
No Available
No Keywords
No Reviews Available
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