"Kiri and Lou" follows the adventures of Kiri, a feisty little dinosaur with overpowering emotions and Lou, a gentle but thoughtful creature. Kiri and Lou live in a forest of cutout paper and other creatures made of clay. They are joined by motherly Pania, sensitive Sorry, who is an extremely fast little animal who cares about everyone, and Dalvanius. Kiri and Lou invite children to learn about empathy, kindness and the true meaning of friendship. Together, these clay creatures navigate a forest of feelings with laughter, adventures and songs.
Creator: Harry Sinclair
Executive Producer: Not Available
Writer: Not Available
Number of Seasons: 3
Total Episodes: 78
Status: Returning Series
No Available
No Keywords
If you forget about the fact that one of the episodes features the epic ballad, "Farty the Dinosaur", sung for the purest of reasons, this is clearly the most wholesome stop-motion series for pre-scho...
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