“Useless High School” is a school renowned for its sexual aberrations and sexually ambiguous teenagers, The student president and vice-present flaunt their taste for S&M. Independent study and supplementary classes are done on homosexuality and transgenderism, and teachers and students alike leave school early because of sexually-transmitted diseases. Dasepo Girl Series features a brother with only one eye and his transgender sister, plus a poor girl literally wearing poverty on her back and her escapades into the world of sex with adults - and those are just a few of the many unique characters populating Mosseulmo ("Useless") High.
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Director(s): Woo Seon Ho, Kim Ho-joon, Jo Woon, Yoo Jung-hyun, Jung So Yeon, An Tae-jin, Kim Sung-ho, Jeong Min-sung
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Not Available
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Totally absurd and erratic! Although some segments and episodes were a bit too stale. Hopefully this get a higher resolution release in the future. In comparison, the TV series was much better than th...
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