The story revolves around Hutum, He belongs to a poor family. He supports his family by distributing newspapers in his locality. His friend Rajarshi who has a computer at home and is very conversant with the Internet world, including Facebook. Hutum, being a film fanatic and having no goals and ambitions in his life, spends most of his time daydreaming . Rajarshi gets Hutum hooked on to Facebook, to help him ease his troubled mind. Like most of the youngsters, on Facebook, Hutum`s dreamy eyes gets set on a girl from Delhi - Payel. Hutum and Payel get along very well which turns into an affair, Suddenly an incident throws all these haywire and Hutum is left all alone. He slowly goes out of control, and Hutum decides to go to Delhi. he breaks all barriers of logic and reason while he embarks on a journey to Delhi, on his bicycle, with whatever help he could get from his dear friend Rajarshi. What happens next is the crux of the film `FAKEBOOK`. How far can you go for love?
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Director(s): Sanjoy Bardhan
Writer(s): P Bhattacharya
Producer(s): Angad Singh
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