Break is a 'rags to riches', feel good story. The film follows the exploits of Spencer Pryde, a gifted, inner-city kid, wasting his talents on petty crime. After witnessing the brutal murder of his pal Denis and finding himself in debt to a drug dealing thug named Ginger, it seems Spencer's life is spiraling out of control, until one day, a chance encounter with a Chinese stranger and former eight-ball pool champion named Vincent Quiang presents him with an opportunity to turn his life around. But in order to make a new life for himself, Spencer will first need to break away from peer pressure of his friends, his environment and all the negative influences of his current life.
Director(s): Michael Elkin
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Not Available
No Available
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<em>'Break'</em> is relatively good, somewhat against the odds. It is quite rough around the edges, though it features a story that is perfectly watchable and is portrayed competently by those behi...
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