One magical night, four children discover that the jack-o-lantern on their doorstep is alive and a brilliant tap dancer. The children befriend the charismatic pumpkin, and set out on a thrilling adventure to stop the evil ogre, Finkgrinder, from his mission to hurt people. Giant Royal Thunderbelly pumpkins, weighing over five hundred pounds, carry the children to the ogre's castle. Along the way, they are menaced by witches and helped by two comical skeletons named Helgi and Finbogi. In a dramatic finale, the Dancing Pumpkin and his friends succeed in foiling Finkgrinder's plans. Packed with adventure, thrills, and unforgettable characters, this award-winning production will entertain the entire family!
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Director(s): Jack Polito
Writer(s): Howard Butcher
Producer(s): Eric Pearson
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