The Justice League faces a powerful new threat — the Fatal Five! Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman seek answers as the time-traveling trio of Mano, Persuader and Tharok terrorize Metropolis in search of budding Green Lantern, Jessica Cruz. With her unwilling help, they aim to free remaining Fatal Five members Emerald Empress and Validus to carry out their sinister plan. But the Justice League has also discovered an ally from another time in the peculiar Star Boy — brimming with volatile power, could he be the key to thwarting the Fatal Five? An epic battle against ultimate evil awaits!
Director(s): Sam Liu
Writer(s): Eric Carrasco, James Krieg, Alan Burnett
Producer(s): Sam Liu, Amy McKenna
No Available
I appreciate some of DC's smaller characters getting decent screentime in these sorts of things, but as with most of the animated offerings Warner Bros. serves up in this franchise, I didn't find it h...