The drama explores the relations between a grief stricken father and his three daughters. Set in London, the time is now, the family of Indian origin. With his wife’s sudden death, Sanjay is suddenly thrown into close proximity with his three daughters. The drama unfolds over six days from the day when Manju dies to day of the funeral. Haunted by memories, grappling with this devastating loss, Sanjay finds himself assessing and carving out new relations with his three daughters. He is faced with a further crisis when he discovers his youngest and most loved daughter Dia, has a Muslim boyfriend -Imtiaz. Confused and angry, Sanjay leaves home and wanders the streets of London one night. With an unexpected series of events, Sanjay is forced to face his past demons.
No Provider Available
Director(s): Sangeeta Datta
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Not Available
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