The first recap film of season 1 of the anime TV series Overlord, covering episodes 1 to 7. In the year 2138, the popular online VR game Yggdrasil is quietly shut down one day. However, the player Momonga decides to not log out and is transformed into a powerful skeletal wizard upon shutdown. The game world continues to change, with non-player characters beginning to feel emotions. Confronted with this abnormal situation, Momonga and his loyal followers strive to investigate and take over the new world the game has become.
Director(s): Naoyuki Ito
Writer(s): Yukie Sugawara
Producer(s): Not Available
Where to begin? I'll start with the truth. I did not like it. And that is not because I am a westerner. Nor is it because it's "not my thing." No. I did not like it because the inner monologue...