Maynard, a beloved local businessman is mistaken for the legendary Bigfoot during an inebriated romp through town in a makeshift gorilla costume. The sightings set off an international Bigfoot media spectacle and a windfall of tourism dollars for a simple American town hit by hard times. When Brock Masterson, reality TV’s “Monster Hunter,” arrives to hunt the beast, Maynard agonizes over whether to come clean, destroying the rebirth of his beloved town, or perpetuate the inadvertent hoax.
Director(s): Seth Henrikson
Writer(s): Daniel Meyer
Producer(s): Josh Crook, Scott Floyd Lochmus, Jonathan Gray, Ron Perlman
No Available
A down on its luck mining town finds a new life when locals begin seeing a bigfoot. Before long, there are tourists in town, cash registers ringing, and a nationally syndicated television show scouri...