Set amidst a backdrop of political unrest and oppression in Argentina following the coup of the late 1980s, this impressive drama dwells upon a May-December love affair between a boy and a woman suspected of political subversion. When seventeen-year-old Pedro defiantly befriends political fugitive Sofia and provides her shelter, he creates a deep rift between himself, his family and his friends. Sofia is hunted because she was at one time in love with a Communist sympathizer. At first the relationship is purely platonic as Pedro helps her recover from a 23-day long flight that has left Sofia weak and starving for sleep. But as time passes, Pedro becomes increasingly involved with her and his schoolwork begins to suffer. Gradually he falls in love with her and she with him. But as the political situation grows more oppressive and the government steps up its search for subversives, the two begin making desperate plans to flee the country.
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Director(s): Alejandro Doria
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Not Available
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