French film produced and distributed by Gaumont (catalogue number 1590) originally named "La Terroriste" (as registered in the BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) in 1907 and as published in Gaumont's catalogue of January 1908), the film was known in the U.S. by the title "Terrorist's Remorse" (according to the "Revised List of High-Class Original Films Made by Gaumont, Urban-Eclipse, Théophile Pathé, Carlo Rossi, Ambrosio and Other Foreign and American Companies", 1908, available in the Internet Archive website) and eventually changed to "Les Terroristes en Russie" in France (per Gaumont's catalogue of July 1909). Max Charlier and Mlle Loisier star in the film, but its director is still unknown, although Francis Lacassin attributed it to Louis Feuillade in 1995.
No Provider Available
Director(s): Louis Feuillade
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Not Available
No Available
No Reviews Available
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