Kana is an ordinary high school student. One day, her photo is selected for a magazine and, because of this, Kana receives attention from popular student attention Rio. The attention though is not the kind Kana wanted. Kana is bullied by Rio and her friends. A rumor exists that a ghost exists in the old school building. The ghost is able to grant someone's wish, but that person will lose something important to them. The ghost is a former student named Yomi, who died in an accident 12 years ago. Kana decides to go see the ghost. The next day, Kana is a member of Rio's group, but Kana's friend Erika is now bullied. More tragedy awaits …
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Director(s): Tetsuya Sato
Writer(s): Uiko Miura, Emi Ishikawa
Producer(s): Not Available
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