Parankimala is a 2014 Malayalam film directed by Sennan Pallassery. The film features Beyon and Vinutha Lal in the lead roles. The film was produced by Vijin and Thomas Kokkat. The film is based on a novel by Kakkanadan by the same name and is a remake of the film by the same name in 1981 which was directed by Bharathan. It focuses on the life of Thanka, played by Vinutha Lal, who sacrifices her life for her lover. In the 1981 movie, the role was played by Soorya. Biyon is the male lead in the film. Jagadeesh, Indrans and Kalabhavan Mani plays supporting roles in the movie.
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Director(s): Sennan Pallassery
Writer(s): Sennan Pallassery
Producer(s): Not Available
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