Two classic animated shorts from the Disney studios. In 'The Reluctant Dragon' (1941), a young boy and a famous dragon fighter team up to teach a docile dragon the art of being a force to be reckoned with. In 'Mickey and the Beanstalk' (1947), Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck confront the fearsome Willie the Giant to try to retrieve the magical singing harp to Happy Valley.
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Director(s): Jasper Blystone, Ford Beebe, Jim Handley, Hamilton Luske, Erwin L. Verity, Alfred L. Werker, Jack Cutting, Jack Kinney, Ub Iwerks, Bill Robertson
Writer(s): Kenneth Grahame, Al Perkins, Larry Clemmons, Ted Sears, T. Hee, Harry Clork, William Cottrell, Joe Grant, Dick Huemer, John P. Miller, Berk Anthony, Robert Benchley, Bill Peet, Joe Rinaldi, Frank Tashlin, Homer Brightman
Producer(s): Not Available
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