The story is set in the town of Ranasthali, in year 1989. Bhagat Panigrahi (Nara Rohit) is preparing to become a police officer. His father Chandrasekhar Panigrahi (Sayaji Shinde), a former Naxalite returns after 20 years before giving up his fight for the society for the reasons only known to him. He comes back home and questions his son's ambition of becoming a Police Officer. Meanwhile a local don, Shakti Patnaik (Randhir Gatla) is slowly building his empire, terrorizing police and anyone who opposes him. One day, Bhagat meets Subbalaxmi (Vedhicka) at the railway station and rescues her from the tragedy of her life. When her ex-husband involves Shakti's gang to abduct her, it triggers a series of consequences between Bhagat and Shakti. The rest is about how Bhagat never gives anything for his ambition, which inspires others to stand up for the fight against the tyranny of Shakti.
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Director(s): Chaitanya Dantuluri
Writer(s): Chaitanya Dantuluri, Nagaraju Gandham
Producer(s): Seshu Priyanka Chalasani
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