In the heart of a Europe ravaged by the Black Death, Andruccio, a young fugitive, leaves behind his village of Coccorone and embarks on a desperate journey to Triora, the legendary 'village of witches,' in search of a cure. Along the way, a mysterious companion guides him through a world teetering between reality and nightmare, where the line between life and death grows increasingly blurred. In this desolate and unsettling landscape, Andruccio confronts his deepest fears and the legends that shape his destiny. His journey becomes a spiritual battle, a quest for salvation that is not merely physical but profoundly existential. In a crescendo of emotional and visual tension, Andruccio will discover that true redemption lies not in evading death but in mastering the art of accepting it. A powerful and visceral drama that delves into the struggle for survival, the resilience of hope, and the courage to face the inevitable.
No Provider Available
Director(s): Desiderio Sanzi
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Not Available
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