"Oy Mama" is a touching film that tells the story of 95-year-old Holocaust survivor Fira, who is not only Noa Maiman's grandmother but also the adopted grandmother of 4-year-old Firita. Set in modern-day Israel, this moving documentary explores two entwined storylines that converge in Fira's life. Fira's harrowing past is unveiled as she recounts her family's escape from a burning Europe with the help of a kind Polish woman. We witness her resilience and strength in the face of adversity, and how her experiences have shaped her life today. In the present, Fira is dependent on the kindness of Firita's mother, Magna, who serves as her caretaker for the past 12 years. Through her intricate and poignant present, we see the deep bond Fira shares with Firita, who embodies the future and a symbol of hope.
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Director(s): Orna Ben-Dor Niv
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Noa Maiman
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