Synopsis: "October" is a love story between a very young woman (Laureline) and a man in the prime of life (Roland). The day before they leave on a trip, Laureline comes across holiday photos of her, her father and Roland. This event brings them back to their reality on the fringes of society's codes, and causes tensions between them. As the evening goes on, their relationship deteriorates until early in the morning when she decides to leave him. Statement of intent: During our first working meetings, it seemed obvious to us, with the director, that we had to give an extra soul to this story that only takes place behind closed doors. To make this physical bubble that symbolizes their confinement have something oppressive. Light was the option chosen to play this role in the diegesis. As the film unfolds, the light and its multiple colors express the feelings shared by the protagonists.
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Director(s): Sacha Biton
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Not Available
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