The story follows a young trio of musicians, played by Rachel Sweet, Matthew Penn (son of Arthur) and Judd Nelson, called The Third Dimension. They enter a battle of the bands in an old hotel called the Rock N' Roll Hotel. However, rival band The Weevils are intent on stopping the young band from winning the contest and taking the title for themselves... Essentially one of the first feature-length music videos, the film was produced in Richmond, VA, shot in 3D, filled with musical numbers, written by Russ Dvonch (Rock 'n' Roll High School), co-directed by Paul Justman (Standing In The Shadows of Motown) and featured 80s cable icon Colin Quinn as a local DJ. (Synopsis from Spectacle Theater)
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Director(s): Richard Baskin, Paul Justman
Writer(s): Not Available
Producer(s): Not Available
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