AJUMMA! Are you krazy??? is a zany comedy that follows the misadventures of three Korean drama fanatics. Fueled by their schoolgirl hormones, the hopelessly romantic Ajummas, Judy (Thea Matsuda), the lovable and innocent heroine, Susan (Tessie Magaoay) the gruff-tough one, and Amy (Cari Mizumoto) the sassy tart, go on a hilarious journey to try and meet Korean super star Michael Park (Michael Hsia) by stealing his itinerary, breaking into his hotel room, and sneaking on to his music video set. Witty writing, a light-hearted story and a likable cast allow this short film to succeed in taking a humorous look at the K-drama phenomenon and what some ladies will do for a crush.
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Director(s): Brent Anbe
Writer(s): Brent Anbe
Producer(s): Laurie Foi, Ashley C. Smith
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