The story of a soldier faced with mission of executing prisoners in an unspecified place and time. The film follows a hot summer day in the life of Džoni, a twenty-year-old recruit, who is sent to an abandoned farm on an unknown mission. The soldiers wait to battle unnamed terrorists, but instead, a bus full of prisoners arrives to the barracks. The commander orders the soldiers to execute the prisoners. At first, Džoni is shocked by the cruel killings, but as more prisoners arrive, he begins to enjoy the executions.
Director(s): Vladimir Perišić
Writer(s): Vladimir Perišić, Alice Winocour
Producer(s): Pierre-Alain Meier, Szabolcs Tolnai, Miroslav Mogorović, Anthony Doncque, Vladimir Perišić, Gilles Sacuto, Nadežda Perišić-Nola, Miléna Poylo
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